Team Leader / Coach Registration


This page is for Team Leaders or Coaches to register their team.

Please note that you will need to pay for the registration which will happen at the end when you submit your team name.

You will be taken to PayPal where you have the option to pay with a credit card for your team name. You don’t need to be a member of PayPal. Just choose the credit card option of payment which is close to the bottom of the screen.

Once we receive that payment and confirmed your choice of team name, we will add that name to the list of teams in the Player Registration form. Once that is done, your players can start registering themselves selecting the team name you have chosen.

*** NOTE:  All information we gather in this form is held private on our system. This information will be destroyed at the conclusion of the basketball season.

*** NOTE:  By participating in this league, your image may appear in court scenes posted on the website. At no time will names be published with the photo.

Please enter your email address.
Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.

Enter the team's name. The League Manager will have the right to veto any team names. Please select a team name which fits within the Vision of the League.
Indicate team type: Division A is for Juniors & Seniors Division B is for Freshmen & Sophomores
Enter the team's jersey color.

Enter the coach's first and last name.
Please enter the coach's email address.
Enter the coach's phone number.

I accept
Read through the contents and then check off the box "I accept".
I accept
Read the entire concussion waiver document (top to bottom) and then click on the check box "I accept"
I accept
Read the entire warning (top to bottom) and then click on the check box "I accept".
I accept
Read the terms and then mark the checkbox

Enter your initials here…this signifies your compliance with the Terms and Conditions of our league
The registration fee is US $700.00 per team. Once you click on the SUBMIT button you will be directed to where you will have several options for payment including payment with a VISA or Mastercard.