League Rules

This league is organized to provide recreational enjoyment in the form of physical fitness and teamwork


  • You may continue to sign up players for your team until Dec 21
  • Cost per team is $700
  • No player will be allowed to participate in the league until they have registered on this site and agreed to the Concussion, Warning/Agreement and Safety Guideline Waiver Forms have been signed.
  • All team names must:
    • be chosen in good taste
    • either be complete words/phrases, or appropriate abbreviations (acronyms will NOT be accepted)
    • not promote social media platforms (personal or otherwise)
    • receive final approval from the athletic director (after consultation between the team rep and the athletic director)


  • All players on the team needs to wear the same color
  • Numbered on the front AND back (tape is unacceptable)
  • Team name on the front. Graphics are allowed but need to be appropriate
  • Appropriately modest – like a regular basketball jersey (no big cuts under the arm)
  • No extra wording on the back of the shirts (i.e. names or nicknames of players etc.)
  • Any player with a shirt that does not adhere to these guidelines will not be allowed to take to the court.
  • All jewelry needs to be taken out prior to the game.
  • Wear only clean and dry non-marking shoes to the gym for games


  • Teams are required to have an adult, that is 21 years or older, on the bench sitting with the players at all times
  • This person is responsible to conduct of the team members (on and off the court) and their fans
  • Each team may also have one assistant coach, who also has to be 21 years or older
  • They are the only designated people that may speak to the players on the bench and during time outs
  • If there is no coach (21 years old or older) on the bench within the first 5 minutes of the game – the team will forfeit the game
  • All other spectators have to sit in the stands.
  • Challenging the referees’ decisions will not be tolerated
    • Such behavior will result in the player or bench/coach receiving a bench warning at the scorers table
    • A second offence will result in a technical foul


  • A team may only use players that are registered on their team.
    • Teams that use unregistered players will forfeit the game.
  • Each team must have at least 4 players to begin the game otherwise they forfeit.
    • In the event of a forfeit, and only then, may a team pick up extra players – who are currently registered in the league – so a scrimmage game can still be played.
  • No dunking in warm up or during the game, a technical may be given
  • The clock will stop on the whistle during the last 2 minutes of the game
  • No pressing is allowed if a team has a 20 point or greater lead
  • If there is a 15 point spread clock will continue to run
  • Bonus will begin after 7 fouls and double bonus after 10
  • Time Outs
    • Each team will be allowed three, 1 minute time outs per game.
    • An additional time out will be granted for each overtime period.
    • Time outs can be carried over from the game into overtime period(s)
    • No fans on the court during time-outs
  • Technical Fouls
    • Showboating, baiting or taunting opponent or excessive physical contact will all result in a technical foul
    • Two technical fouls on the same player or coach during a game will result in the immediate ejection from the game, plus a mandatory one game suspension to be served the next scheduled game
    • If a player or coach receives a third technical foul at any time during the remainder of the season, that player or coach will be suspended for the rest of the season. 
    • A Technical Foul on a player will count as a personal foul and count towards the team total
    • A Coach/Bench Technical Foul will also count as a team foul
    • A second ejection will result in expulsion from the league
    • Fights will be reviewed by the athletic committee and may result in game suspensions or expulsion from the league
  • Overtime
    • If tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a 2 minute overtime.
    • All overtimes start with a jump ball
    • The clock will only stop in the last minute of the first OT.
    • A second overtime, if necessary, is ‘Sudden Victory’
    • One team needs to be ahead by 2 points or more to win the game.


  • League standings will be available weekly.
  • Scoring is based on the percentage of wins / games played.
  • Standings calculations (↓ means descending order, ↑ means ascending order)
    •  Pct ↓ 
    •  then Wins ↓
    • then Losses ↑
    •  then Diff ↓
    • then PF ↓ 
    • then PA ↑